The many advantages of teak wood over others

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Teak wood cutting boards have made their way into the “must-haves” of culinary magazines. Used more commonly in patio furniture, boat fixtures or spa benches, teak wood has now made its way in the kitchen. But is it worth the hype? To find out, we have to begin from the beginning. How does teak wood originate? Teak wood comes from the Tectona grandis tree, found mostly in the Southeast Asian nations like India, Burma etc. You might often see that people prize teak wood over your average pine or oak. Why is teak wood wood is better than other types of wood? Teak wood came to be used in wet environments because of its water resistive properties. A combination of natural wood oils, tight wood grain, and tensile strength gave teak wood these properties. Other woods such as cherry, maple, and walnut need additional oils to keep water out, teak wood is the only material in the wood family that retains its natural oils even after being processed. This property has made teak wood an easy favorite of shipbuilders over the years. But in a home kitchen, much more properties than water resistance are required, such as the durability, knife scarring, visual appeal, and maintenance: Durability Historically, this tree was prized because of its self-healing. It naturally resists rain, termites, rot, fungus, and warping, making it an excellent material for use of the region. It is also weather resistant and can withstand extremes of heat and cold. It’s also one of the reasons marine shipbuilders have desired teak wood for over the past century. This is the true testament to the natural attributes of teak wood. Teak wood can provide a lifetime use for indoors and its durability along with retained rich oils means it is unlikely to suffer from rotting and many other afflictions (like parasites, bacteria, fungi) that can attack through other woods. Knife Scarring In addition to its abundant oils, teak wood has a small fraction of silica. Silica is the material glass is made out of. So, a tiny amount of silica ensures that there is enough hardness and stability in your board – but not so much that it destroys your knife’s edge. Visual Appeal Visually, the teak wood is quite beautiful. It has a medium brown tinged color with brown and orange hues. The grains of this board are also sharp, uniform and fitted, making it more appealing. Conclusion We’re sure that you’re done second-guessing about teak wood by now. It’s water-resistant, durable, appealing and your knife’s best friend. Don’t think, choose teak wood!

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