How to clean and care for your wooden boards


First things first, should you really care to maintain your cutting board?

YES! A knife is one of the most beloved tools of any cook, but it’s nothing without a good board. A cutting board is one of the most frequently used items in the kitchen.

Now, wooden boards require some care and maintenance once in a while. This is because they might get a hold of bacteria and fungi. But regular caring for them ensures that this never happens. Also, maintenance takes care that they never crack or warp.

The process is simple and will keep your cutting board working and looking great for years to come.

Here are multiple ways you can do it:


  1. Raw Meat Disinfect: Use a single teaspoon of chlorine bleach in a quarter of water to rinse the board. After a few minutes, rinse with hot water and dry. This formula is best used if you are attempting to sterilize your board after cutting raw meat.
  2. Quick and Easy: Rinse your cutting board in hot soapy water immediately after use to avoid bacteria. Wipe it with a towel and place it in an upright position in a dry area.
    Warning: Submerging your wooden boards in water or washing them in the dishwasher may cause them to warp and crack.
  3. Disinfecting bacteria: Keep a bottle of vinegar handy to disinfect and deodorize your board. Spray and let it sit for a few minutes before you wipe it with a damp cloth.

After regular use, you’d want to clean your board with a damp cloth and let it sit to dry naturally. But if you’re not someone who can spare the time or remember to disinfect your board using the ways given above, buying oil or a separate product from the market works well.

But before you do that, you need to make sure that the chemicals used in those conditioners are food grade safe, similar to Eesome’s Cutting board Conditioner. Cleaning your cutting board with harsh and harmful products might lead to adverse effects on your health.

So whether you are a chef or a home cook, practicing these simple procedures is an important step to make your board last for ages without a single inconvenience.

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